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Asus Adapter Hyper Charger 30W Rog Phone 3 Rog 2 Original EU

Rp. 219,000
Stok : Stok Ada Garansi : 1 Tahun Shipping Weight : 300 gram
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100% Original Asus, langsung dari gudang part Asus. Eu Plug. Garansi 12 Bulan.


Support HyperCharge di Asus Rog Phone Series (Rog 3, Rog 2, Rog 5, Rog 6, dst)


Ini hanya adapter, jika mau beli kabel yg support HyperCharge juga ini linknya :


Fast Charging For Your ROG Phone

With support for Quick Charge 4.0 and USB Power Delivery, the ROG Phone 30W Adapter and USB-C™ Cable is the perfect accessory for charging your ROG Phone in the shortest possible time!

Safe and Cool

The ROG Phone 30W Adapter & USB-C Cable uses direct-charge technology that puts the charging circuitry inside the power adapter rather than the phone. This delivers more power for shorter, safer charge times, and also means your ROG Phone stays cooler when it’s charging.




- Model : AD2130020

- Eu Plug

- Interface : USB-C

- Output : 30W

- Cable not include

- Packaging : Plastic Sparepart Division

  • Produk ini kompatibel buat semua Gadget yang memiliki konektor charger USB Type-C.

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